Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission
Product Description More than ever, North America is being flooded by people from all around the world, many of them here illegally. How should the church respond to these sojourners among us? In Strangers Next Door professor of evangelism and church planting J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of migrations of peoples to Western nations and explores how the church should respond in light of the mission of God. As we understand and embrace the fact that the least-reached people groups now reside in (and continue to migrate to) Western countries, churches have unprecedented opportunit’s to freely share the gospel with them. This book includes practical guidelines for doing crosscultural missions and developing a global strategy of mission. It also highlights examples of churches and organizations attempting to reach, partner with, and send migrants to minister to their people. Discover how you can reach out to the strangers next door by welcoming them into God’s family. Review “For a fairly slim volume, this book has a wide scope, a hallmark of InterVarsity Press. In its target of a university-aged audience, it tends toward both the academic and practical. Its versatility includes grounding in scripture, technical definition of terms without being encyclopedic, spiritual depth, historical breadth, relevant present-day stories, sound statistics, and the book’s applicability.” — Allen Yeh, Religious Studies Review, Volume 39, No. 3, September 2013″Payne’s book is an important and much-needed clarion call for evangelicals first to see the opportunity for missions that the Lord has sovereignly brought to our doorstep and second to engage these unreached people groups among us with a thoughtful, long-term strategy.” — John Wind, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 17.1, 2013″Strangers Next Door is a much-needed book that provides detailed analysis of migratory patterns around the world and challenges churches to embrace migration as part of God’s redemptive purposes. It is a useful tool in equipping churches to be more effective in missions right in their own community.” — Jenny Yang, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, July 2013″With this work J. D. Payne effectively reminds us that ‘the world’ can sometimes be right on our doorsteps. . . . I highly recommend this book to church leaders and individuals who are keen to think through the implications of being Christ’s witnesses in our multi-cultural society.” — Vox Reformata, 2013″Written in a popular and accessible style, Payne passionately argues that human mobility and migration are inextricably linked with God’s divine purposes.” — Matthew Krabill, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. 37, No. 2″Payne’s work is informative and compelling, presenting fascinating data and inspiring anecdotes. Furthermore, it offers practical strategies for local churches seeking to reach the ‘stranger next door.'” — Church Libraries, Winter 2012-2013″With its case studies and practical guidelines for reaching migrants, pastors and lay leaders will find Strangers Next Door to be a clear and useful resource in building a global missions strategy. . . . Payne does readers a service by bracketing the U.S. immigration debate and refocusing attention on the unique opportunity migrants present for the missions world.” — Jeff Haanen, Christianity Today, October 2012″As migration continues and grows, churches must adjust to not only reach their communities but also fulfill their calling of missions. Payne provides an excellent rationale, vision and strategy for just that.” — Aaron Davis, On Mission, Summer 2015″I found Payne’s book a very helpful attempt to look at mass migration from a Christian perspective and believe that it can be a useful resource for Christians and churches seeking to reach out in love to migrant communities.” — Phillip Scheepers, Vox Reformata, 2016″Strangers Next Door convinced me of the need to prioritize intention