Not Too Far from Here: Moving from Hurt to Hope
Review Through Kim’s personal experiences and wisdom straight from heaven, she gently takes the hand of the bruised and battered into a new day-where fresh winds of hope blow into the sails of the weary heart. Breathe in deeply as you read and come alive again. -KATHY TRACCOLI, singer, speakerKim Boyce Koreiba and her husband Gary have been my good friends for many years, but I had no idea how much I would learn from their story and from this amazing book. If you have ever struggled with destructive forces that have brought pain and hurt into your life, you need to read this story. If you cannot seem to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply, this book is for you. If you have wondered where God was when you have been brutally disconnected from everyone who “had your back,” you need this book. And when those things that were your security have disappeared, I think you will find some answers in this treatise. This book will challenge you to re-evaluate your relationships. It will challenge you to recalculate those things in your life that seem important and redefine them in a new way…in the light of eternity. Reading the pages of this book today just might make the pages of your life read differently tomorrow. Remember this: a better future for you is not too far from here. – GARY MCSPADDEN – Pastor, singer, songwriterKim Boyce Koreiba is a dear friend who has the ability to communicate the very essence of her heart. In this book she has done that very thing in a beautiful and personal way. Not Too Far from Here is powerful and will encourage you to reach for high things by letting go! – CINDY CRUSE RATCLIFF – Senior worship leader for Joel Osteen MinistriesI have known Kim for over thirty years, and have always admired her music and ministry. I am so proud of her for sharing in this book her experience of hurt to encourage others to move forward and find hope through the Word of God and His unfailing love. – MARK LOWREY – Comedian, singer, songwriter “Mary, Did You Know?” During a time of deep distress or disappointment, have you cried out to God, “Why is this happening? What did I do to deserve this? How will I recover from this? Does God care about what I am going through? Why did He allow this?” Not Too Far from Here is for anyone who has been hurt. Hurt so badly it’s hard to eat or sleep. You attempt to present yourself as being okay for the sake of your kids, spouse, or friends, but you are really not okay. With biblical insight and compassion, Kim Boyce Koreiba shares her story, providing essential and doable steps to bring you comfort, encouragement, direction, and hope. Place your hand firmly into the hand of Jesus Christ, the Savior. Call upon His Spirit to learn how not to fall prey to a victim mentality after being wounded. You can trust Him. Stand up, brush yourself off, and believe that God has a plan. Jesus-your hope-is not too far from here. About the Author KIM BOYCE KOREIBA is a former Miss Florida and Top Ten Semi-Finalist in the Miss America Pageant who went on to a highly successful career in Christian music. She produced eight CCM albums, had eleven #1 hit songs on Christian radio, and has toured extensively in the US and abroad. Kim holds a bachelor’s degree in biblical counseling and a master’s degree in Christian counseling. She has authored seven books, and is a vibrant speaker who uses her talents to communicate her passions for walking with God, being a godly wife and mother, and living a faith-filled life.