Jesus First Jesus Always: The Life You Were Meant To Live
No matter what you’ve heard about him, he offers you something nothing or no one else can. If our world had a motto it would be “Me First, Me Always”-and when you think about the life you were meant to live why wouldn’t you place yourself at the center of your own universe? It makes sense and it seems way more natural. But Jesus First, Jesus Always is about seeing life through a new perspective. It’s about living life not by the concept of Jesus, but by the reality of him as a person. It’s about shaping your world around that reality. It’s about recognizing that he claims to be the Alpha point of the universe, the beginning of all things, and the Omega point, the one to which all of history is rushing towards. If he’s the first and last, then he is certainly everything in between. Jesus First, Jesus Always is more than a motto, it’s a heart revelation that becomes a soul revolution. We’re going to be different than before. Why? Because He gives you the ability to look beyond yourself and become an icon of hope so that others can find grace by knowing you. Review “Jeffrey Smith is an incredible communicator of the gospel with a heart for all people. Jesus First, Jesus Always is not just the title of His book, it is the anthem of his life! I know this book will inspire you to live out your God given purpose.” – Rich Wilkerson Jr. | Lead Pastor, Vous Church and Author, Sandcastle Kings”In Jesus First, Jesus Always, Dr. Jeffrey Smith will help you to see your life through the right lens. He’ll give you Jesus spectacles so that you can see clearly who Jesus is and who He created you to be. Don’t miss out on the chance to look past what you can see with the naked eye, check this book out!” – Levi Lusko | Author, Swipe Right”You can sense such a great sense of joy for what is being said as you read through the pages of Jesus First, Jesus Always. Joy to make Biblical truths easy to understand. Joy that points to knowing Jesus more and becoming more like Him. It’s a contagious joy that I know will bring great strength to those who read it.” – Marcus Mecum | Senior Pastor, 7 Hills Church”Jesus has radically changed my life and I know He can change yours too. The message Jeff shares in Jesus First, Jesus Always is one of radical hope that I know will inspire you to fix your eyes on Jesus as you run towards the purpose God has for your life.” – Christine Caine | Founder, A21 and Propel Women and Author, Unashamed”I love Pastor Jeffrey Smith. His infectious disposition, love for Jesus and desire to serve the local church and see people come to a saving knowledge of Christ is so evident in Jesus First, Jesus Always. It will undoubtedly impact you to do and feel the same.” – Brian Houston | Founder and Global Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church”I feel like this beautiful and broken world we live in is continually becoming more and more about self-interest, often to the detriment of everyone and everything else. As Jeffrey so well asks us, are we living “me first, me always?” I believe this book will help many understand the need as well as the great benefits of a life that declares, Jesus First, Jesus Always.” – Ben Houston | Lead Pastor, Hillsong California”Jeffrey Smith wears many hats. I’ve had the privilege to know him as friend. His life models Jesus First, Jesus Always. This book is as brilliant as it is authentic. If you desire to live the life that God intended for you to live, then this book is for you.” – Chris Durso | Pastor, Misfit NYC and Author, The Heist and Misfit “Jeffrey Smith is a trusted voice…a man of integrity, creativity and passion for people. I love this book and the heart behind it. If life isn’t about Jesus, what’s it about. A lot of leaders can get caught up in the fads and trends of church…but what I love and appreciate about Jeffrey is that he is drawing a line in the sand with Jesus First, Jesus Always. I believe this book will bring you great comfort and clarity and will re